Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Following the Dream

yala sathmaga

In Off road driving it is a matter of common sense not to have more than one vehicle crossing an obstacle. It is always tempting to not to slow down and to drive right through a mud patch with the lead vehicle. Expedition driving is all about repeating these few command. WAIT CROSS WAIT. You wait till the lead clears the obstacle. Then you cross. Wait at the other end till the one behind you cross. Rinse and repeat till you achieve your goal. It takes patience to wait till the lead clears the obstacle and again wait for the next guy to cross at the other end.

It is kind of like the story of “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Key theme of the book focuses on how we follow our dreams. The Alchemist is a bestseller that was first published in 1988. It is the most famous work of author Paulo Coelho. It is a symbolic story that urges its readers to follow their dreams. He begins by recounting story of a guy was so into himself that he knelt beside a lake to stare at his reflection ,felled in and died. Idea was taken from a short poem by Oscar Wilde called 'The Disciple'. Itself a modified version of the old Greek myth of the guy who falls deeply in love with his own self and sits there forever.

I guess something similar happens to off roaders who forget the golden rule. I should know, I was there at wasgamuwa. Though it wasn’t exactly eternity, it sure felt such for the eleven guys of team extreme who were there.

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