Thursday, October 11, 2007

Art of Pickups - PART 1

During the great depression that followed war war one, money was tight so banks would not lend money to farmers to buy a luxury like a car, but would lend money to a working vehicle like a truck. Farmers could not afford both a car for their families and a truck for their farms. So a farmer or his wife wrote a letter to the managing director of the ford car company stating:

Why don't you build people like me a vehicle in which I can take my family to church on Sunday, and my pigs to town on Monday?

Request was heard and Lewis Bandt at Ford Australia designed the first pickup the 'ute'. No wonder that pickups are popular among folks who have to compromise. Like in my situation, i would have loved to own a defender but had to settle for a hilux aka 'poor manns defender'. When it comes to pickups you can not over emphasize the importance of the word 'compromise'. Not just pickups trucks .. 'compromise' is the key in many a pickup ;)

There are number of meanings pickup.. according to wiki it may refer to:
  • Pickup (music), a device which detects vibrations from musical instruments
  • Pickup artist, a man who is skilled in meeting, attracting, and seducing women
  • Pick-up (gaming), anything that you collect whilst playing a video game
  • Pickup group or Pickup band, a musical ensemble brought together for only a few performances
  • Pick-up line, intended to be short and easy method of engaging another person for sex or romance
  • Pickup truck or pick-up truck, a light truck with an open-top rear cargo area
more on those later..thus the title part 1 not because i was lazy to write all in one post ;)

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