Monday, August 13, 2007

Love Thy Jeep

yala sathmaga
How many times have we heard the famous quotation 'love thy neighbor'. But very rearly have we heard the other part which is 'hate thine enemy'. Maybe hate like love has many diffrent forms. Well the Greeks considered there to be four quite different forms of love..(see wiki)
  • eros - erotic love
  • stergein - brotherly/familial love
  • philia - deep affection
  • agape - the other kind, its meaning being somewhat disputed
Similarly there are different levels people love there jeep. I guess every jeep driver loves his jeep, if not they would drive a car. I came across a poem while searching through forums for a good winch which i think describe the utmsot love one can have for something made of steel. This is a poem is by Randel J Thomas (and bit edited by me..sorry i dont have the link for the original). Hope u see my point.

I love my jeep for resons unseen
I love it esp when its not clean
I love my jeep with all my hart
I love it even when its falling apart

I love my jeep for things it can do
crashing through the mud, not sticking in the goo
It goes where ever i want to go
get me there with hardly ever a tow

my girl told me, its her or the truck
poor thing she never had much luck
i told her i cant imagine being with my jeep with out one single day
this jeep is mine with AND with me it will stay

By Randel J Thomas


Unknown said...

Nice work mate:) I guess you edited most of it. Nice poem indeed. I can say as a jeep owner for a quite some time, most of what you said is true:) It will go any where you want to go and it never let you down, most of the time its our own faults that make it tow. But my biggest question is can it ever replace a girl? That I don't know!

Ineshka said...

You cannot stop there Mai... I have heard that Jesus have said "Love Thy Neighbor"... But I cannot believe that he would say "Hate Thine Enemy"... So I looked into this and may I publish here his exact words? Its:
"Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say unto you, Love your enemies"... Now that sounds more like Jesus and its a beautiful saying.

Oh the poem is hilarious!! The way you edited it (now I have not seen the original poem) perfectly suits you guys!! You know, all grown up guys with childish hearts!! :)) And I say that as a compliment! :) But I know that no matter what you say, you will never hold a jeep more precious than a girl who is the real thing! :)

maithree said...

"Can it (jeep) ever replace a girl?"

Interesting question! was the poet thinking of replacing girl with a jeep?

Anyway i think we got an answer form Inma ;)

" you will never hold a jeep more precious than a girl who is the real thing! "

Or could this be a partial truth.. like what happened to "Love Thy Neighbor" quote ?? !!