Monday, September 3, 2007

Do You Have A 'Real' jeep


Most people think anything that have 6 inches of ground clearance and a 4 wheel drive is a jeep. It's a tricky question no doubt. Ask a guy who owns a Defender and he will tell you Landrovers are the real thing and all others are just cheap toys. Of course the word jeep is tricky by itself.
"jeep" ..note used for any vehicle of this shape and function. However 'Jeep' is a trademark held by Chrysler Holdings, the most recent successor company to Willys.

The first Jeep prototype was built for the Department of the Army by Bantam, followed by two other competing prototypes produced by Ford and Willys. In these early days it was called many things from GP, Peep, Pygmy and Blitz-Buggy. Early in 1941, Willys demonstrated the vehicle's ability by having it drive up the U.S. Capitol steps, driven by Willy's test driver Irving "Red" Haussman. When asked by syndicated columnist Katherine Hillyer for the Washington Daily News what it was called, Irving answered, "It's a jeep." And the rest is history.

Lesson? Don't ask anyone who rides a jeep, 'what is a jeep?'. Ask a guy with a Hilux double cab and he would tell you.... well..he wont tell you anything..instead he would give this test.. test to find out if you own a real jeep or not..

You call a scratch or a dent, a beauty mark

Your Mom or your sister can't get in without help

You feel nauseous when you see a Rav4

You feel sorry for someone in a Toyota Rav4

Every page of your repair manual has greasy fingerprints

You spend more time under your Jeep than under your significant other

You have a high-water mark "INSIDE" the Jeep

You plan your wedding around the Club's ride schedule

You think that an "airline" is something that connects your differential to your air compressor

You buy parts for your Jeep instead of food for your family

You spend more on car washes than on insurance

Even worse, the car wash won't let you in

IF you said 'yes' to most then you are safe!

For the full test visit


Ineshka said...

Funny!! :)) This reminded me of a couple of friends of mine :) The guy had a red jeep he LOVED and went to all the national parks with! The gal used to complain a lot about it :) The hardest she found was to go to a wedding with him! Poor her, she had to have help to get into the jeep in a saree and get her hair all ruffled up on the way to the wedding since the jeep did not have any doors!! :) She secretly whispered to me before they got married that its over her dead body that she is going away in it, but I saw the two of them get into it and ride off to paradise after their wedding! :))He loved the jeep so much that the best man even started off about it during his wedding speech!! :)) I think its cute that guys would love a vehicle this much, especially a jeep!! :)) Well, I would say guys have a freakish affection towards their vehicles but dont think we gals dont feel any affection towards ours at all! ;-)) I love my father's Sunny!! She's my buddy! :))

Unknown said...

Hey Mate! nice post. The picture brings back memories of my former BJ40,I'm happy that it's in much better condition now with lot of updgrades. I should be thankful for it as in an indirect manner it helped me in paying for my MSc too :).

Well there's a bit of an addition to the manufacturers....after Willys Overland motors it was owend by Kaiser Corporation and later it became a part of Chrysler and it was manufactured under license in Japan by Mitsubshi Motors.

Well its up to you guys to decide if I'm to pass your test or not. The picture you have posted will give some evidence for it :) But there's one point i prefer to have my jeep in good shape when its back from wild and on the roads in Colombo.

Well ineshka...I too have an addition to your comment. Just like your friend you have mentioned, Akki and Ayya will fit in to this group....with all the complaints from akki they still own the Pajero with all off-road additions:) and she still goes to national parks when ever he asks:) Is it only the sunny? what about that little green car;).

Anonymous said...

i guess thats why a gal nemed Donna Gardner came up with this theory ..
...real jeeper should date (or marry) a chick with a jeep ..

following are her top 10 reasons

10. You won't have to share your Jeep with her
9. She wont mind you checking under her bonnet
8. she will be low maintenance
7. She can perform her own maintenance, so you won't have to
6. She won't bitch when you are out working on your Jeep
5. She probably has her own tools
4. She likes it rough and bumpy
3. She will usually buy you Jeep parts for gifts
2. and expect the same in return

And the Number One reason to date (or marry) a chick with a Jeep:

1. You can strip her...

If you were thinking "spare parts from her jeep" along with the word strip then you really own a 'REAL' jeep!..if not :P

maithree said... get a B+ A because you drank sprite while driving ;)

@Ineshka.. before you gets a grading, u need to ans one small q regarding general autom moron!!

kiss kiss love love said...

Hey, this was pretty funny! No idea who you are, by the way, but ran across this and thought I'd leave a comment. I do have a little something to add though. I'm a girl. I drive a jeep. Wait, correction, I drive a REAL jeep. '81 CJ-7 to be exact, with a lift. I've never had a problem getting in or out of it, nor do I have problems getting in or out of my brother's old FJ. ;) I love my jeep, Bonnie. Hah, my other truck is named Clyde. But, anyway, nice post and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

now days there are diffrent types of jeep are in market but the old one is gold beacuase in villages people often travel by these jeep,very suitable for hill and urban both.

Used Jeep parts

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